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Scorching Upset: Ballard FC Shockingly Falls to Lane United FC 1-0

For Ballard FC, Saturday afternoon’s game against Lane United FC was an opportunity

for the side to bolster their playoff chances. Unfortunately, the opportunity was not

seized, and the team fell 1-0 at Memorial Stadium.

Prior to Saturday’s contest, Ballard FC had played to a surprising 2-2 draw at home

against Capital FC Atletico. Such result gave Saturday’s match that much more

importance. The room for error towards getting that coveted first place in the division

grew a smaller as United PDX now were tied with Ballard FC in both points and points

per game (PPG).

At around the match’s kickoff, the temperature would hover around the high eighties in

degrees Fahrenheit. Given that the match would be played on artificial turf, the field

conditions provided tough game conditions for both sides. This did not stop seventh-

ranked Lane United FC from getting an enormous result on the road against arguably

the best team in the USL 2 Northwest division.

The first half was in Ballard FC’s control. The team was making great passes, solid runs

and chances were being created. All that was missing was that final touch that would

give them the lead. Ballard FC manager James Riley said after the game, “First and

fully, the boys deserve a lot of credit. They have been dedicated all summer. They have

come in and done their bit. Sometimes, soccer is that way. I thought we controlled the

flow of the game [and we] dictated the game.”

Blake Dahlin / Ballard FC

Ballard FC’s control of the match did not equal success as Lane United FC eventually

found their breakthrough in the 42 nd minute. Lane United FC forward Ede Gramberg

made a great run into the box and as he began to collect the ball into his possession,

Ballard FC goalkeeper Charlie Lanphier committed a foul inside the penalty box. The

referee pointed to the spot and sure enough, Lane United FC had a great chance to

take the lead. Midfielder Tate Richards stepped up and decisively put the ball into the

back of the net from the penalty spot.

The story remained the same in the second half. Ballard FC continued to dominate but

the equalizer was never found. The chances were all there but much to dismay of the

team, there was nothing to show for it. Ballard FC central defender and team captain

Christian Engmann was a player worth noting in this match. Engmann produced solid

chances for his team. Specifically, there was a chance in the 16 th minute when, off a

corner, Engmann rose up above all others at the back post and headed the ball right at

the goalkeeper. It was a great chance created by Engmann.

When asked on what the team can improve on for the rest of the season, Engmann stated, “Set pieces, myself included. We have to be more lethal. I think we had a lot of chances. We left a lot of chances on the table. [We have to be] more clinical and more decisive in the box.”

Despite the unfortunate result, Ballard FC can come away with a positive note that they

can still dominate the shape and pace of the game. Unluckily for them, the finishing

touch was not obtained on Saturday afternoon. For them, upcoming training will have to

focus on how to break teams’ deep bunker when Ballard FC has extended possession.

Blake Dahlin / Ballard FC

Coach Riley said, “I think we will work on…. how to better put our team in positions to

strategize around a low block. It’s not like we got outplayed. It’s not like we got

outbattled. It’s not like they created more chances than us. Sometimes that is the game

of football.” With the battle for a playoff spot in the direct horizon, figuring out how to

break through teams sitting deep will have to prioritized for Ballard FC.

Still, Coach Riley remained positive regarding his team and the Ballard FC faithful, “We

are very ecstatic, appreciative, and grateful for the fanbase and the support in the club. I

am deeply grateful for my staff, the club, and these players. It has been a phenomenal

journey, and we want to continue it. [The] last two games of the regular season [are] in

our destiny.”

Up next for Ballard FC is a pivotal match against United PDX who are also vying for the

top spot in the USL 2 Northwest Division. The match will be on Friday, July 12 th at

7:00pm at Memorial Stadium.

Cover Photo: Blake Dahlin / Ballard FC




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